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What our customers are saying

We take pride with what our customers say. Celebrating success and advancements in reproductive health together.

"The SQA-Vision has been the perfect fit for our laboratory's needs....Without this instrument more manual testing and additional staff would be needed to continue to provide fertility testing in our facility."

Adam Bertsch
Laboratory Technical Manager
Providence Alaska Medical Center

"I would recommend this analyzer to any facility that is performing semen analysis for accuracy and consistency.  The purchase of the SQA-Vision has been one of the best decisions made by the laboratory to provide the best care for our veterans."

Paul G Hines
Lead Hematology Technologist
US Dept of Veterans Affairs - Stratton VA Medical Center

"The MES sperm instrument works all the time with hardly any issues and is a great little instrument I can count on. Furthermore, unlike other companies, the account manager routinely checks in to see how things are going and if we need anything."

Dr. Speciale Peter Speciale, MS, PhD M(ASCP)CM
Microbiology Manager
Yale New Haven Health - Lawrence Memorial Hospital

"We found SQA-V instrumentation to be technically easy and friendly to use. The instrument and reagents, to include quality control material, are reliable, stable, and require minimal maintenance. Automation helps to provide better patient care when testing a sample that is both time and temperature sensitive by improving accuracy and increasing throughput."

Jacqueline A.W. Loveall
Hematology Supervisor
US Army - Fort Leonard Wood

"It has been very beneficial to work with the SQA-Vision for semen analysis testing at our facility. We have been able to standardized patient reporting and greatly decrease the amount of time it takes to finalize testing."

Amanda Bickel, MT, ASCP
Laboratory Section Head
Mount Nittany Medical Center

"Our manual Semen Analysis used to take an hour or more but now completed within 5 minutes. We used to have a 24hr turn around time for final reports but now final reports go out to the physician on the day of testing."

Charite Marcellus
Chemistry Department Supervisor
Stamford Hospital - Stamford Health