End of Support for KOVA Liqua-TROL® with QwikCheck Test Strips

End of Support for KOVA Liqua-TROL® with QwikCheck Test Strips
KovaLiqua TrolPHWBCTestStripQualityControlMESQwikCheckKitsforAutomatedSemenAnalysisSpermQualityAnalyzer

Issue date: March 8th, 2021


Background: QC of QwikCheck Test Strips (WBC and pH) can be effectively performed using IRISpec controls from Beckman Coulter. KOVA controls will no longer be supported for QwikCheck Test Strips because the level of the reagent sensitivity required to identify WBC in semen is not always effective using KOVA controls. QwikCheck Test Strip labeling after batch # 50D57_030121 Exp Date July 2022 will no longer include KOVA as a QC option and only IRISpec QC controls will be recommended. MES is currently working on a new proprietary QwikCheck Test Strip QC material with an estimated release date of JULY 1, 2021.



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