About MES (Medical Electronic Systems)

Yes – we are creating a training video and will schedule demo sessions for the middle of April. Michelle and I will be in touch when the dates are finalized.
Yes – customers can still load their current I-Button capillaries until they upgrade their system to the new TC-Code Loader software.  They can wait to install the TC-Code Loader software until after they have used all their I-Buttons, or they can load all their I-Buttons from their current stock at one time, and then load the TC-CODE Loader software.
The homepage of the TC Code loader site is very simple and provides downloads to the software needed to update the SQA system, and load the TC CODE Loader Software (if they want to use their PC) or the TC COD Loader APP if they want to use an Android device.
The Test Credit Code is simply a replacement for the I-Button.  Instead of the customers getting a 50 test I-Button with their capillaries, they will not get a 9 digit reference code to “type into” the TC-CODE Loading program.  That will then give the SQA testing credits similar to how the I-Button works.
The TC-CODE is a direct replacement for the I-Button and will include the same 50 tests. All that changes is the way those test credits are loaded. Instead of scanning in the I-Button, they will not enter a 9 digit code.
We will arrange the kits and send them free of charge so your customers can easily install the new TC-Code loading sofware. Please let us know how many active SQA and QwikCheck Gold users you have.
If your cable is not working, you can instead use the current RS232 – RS232 or RS232 – USB cable that is connecting your SQA device to your PC computer.