Medical Electronic Systems is officially announcing the release of a new SQA-Vision Semen Analyzer software update. The new version will be 44.3.193. If you are currently on 44.3.167, you will see the following changes:
Flexible Report ‐ A new custom (flexible) report feature was added. This allow the user to design their own report. MES has publish a guide on how to build out the Flexible report. Note: Programming Skills required.
Post Vas Counting Mode ‐ A new counting mode was added to the Post Vas. test. The new mode enable the user to scan an entire slide and click to count the cells without entering the number of fields and cells counted. The user will count all 50 fields available through the lab slide.
Multiple Users ‐ An option to add multiple users and password was added.
Range Icons – Pass vs. Fail indication was replaced with up and down arrows based on the cutoff.
LIS Interface ‐ There is now an option to re‐send a specific patient record as opposed to a whole date range.
Additionally, an option to change the time out delay was added.
Time Format ‐ The time format is now set to a 24hour clock.
Debris Scanning Options ‐ A Gross Debris option was added to the debris scanner.
If you are currently on version 44.3.180 or 44.3.182 you will see the following changes:
Back and Restore – The process has been updated for ease of use and reliability.
Upgrade Process – Streamlined and simplified for future versions.
Debris Scanner Workflow – If the Low Quality Counter is turned off and the Debris Scanner is turned on the Debris Scanner will activate on Low Quality samples.
Stability Improvements – The quality of data transfer and video interfacing is greatly improved for reliability.
To request this free upgrade please submit a request through the website HERE or send an e-mail to