Technical Release Bulletin: QwikCheck™ Vitality Kit QC / Proficiency

Technical Release Bulletin: QwikCheck™ Vitality Kit QC / Proficiency

To validate the QwikCheck Vitality Kit please follow this QC procedure:


1. Collect 1 fresh Human semen sample with >50% Motility and Volume >1 ml.

2. Wait for full liquefaction.

3. Split the liquefied sample into two equal aliquots in two separate vials. Label the vials Sample #1 and Sample #2.

4. Sample #1: Use as is.

5. Sample #2: Kill the cells by freezing the vial for 20 minutes or by placing it into liquid nitrogen for 10 minutes.  Before testing, bring Sample #2 to room temperature.

6. Thoroughly mix sample #1.

7. Place 5 μl of sample #1 on a standard slide.

8. Add 5 μl of QwikCheck Vitality solution, mix with a pipette tip swirling the sample on the same slide.

9. Cover the slide with a 22 mm x 22 mm coverslip and wait for the sample to stop drifting.

10. Count 200 sperm cells to assess the Vitality: Live spermatozoa have white or light pink heads and dead spermatozoa have heads that are stained red or dark pink. If the stain is limited to only a part of the neck region, and the rest of the head area is unstained, this is considered a “leaky neck membrane”, not a sign of cell death.  These cells should be assessed as alive.

11. Calculate the percent of vital “live” cells from the total sperm counted.

12. Repeat step 6-11 for Sample #2.



For Proficiency Challenge (not for QC):

  • Sample #1 only: In a blind manner, repeat steps 6-11 above with a different operator.



QC Pass criteria:

  • PASS: % Vitality of Sample #1 > % Vitality of Sample #2.
  • FAIL: Deviation from PASS criteria, or no stained cells.



Proficiency Pass criteria:

  • Establish Allowable Target Range between operators:
    • Mean vitality value for sample #1 of both operators +/- 3 standard deviations or 25% whatever is greater
      (please refer to the link below):
  • PASS: The vitality values of both operators fall inside the Allowable Target Range.



Click Here to Download Technical Release Bulletin: QwikCheck™ Vitality Kit QC / Proficiency

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