Problem-solving kits to simplify and improve Manual and Automated semen analysis techniques in the Laboratory. Including sample preparation and quality control
Designed for Initial Validation studies of Accuracy, Linearity, Precision and Lower Limit Detection when bringing new SQA Instruments online
A first step solution for proficiency, training, and validation of all SQA-V and SQA-Vision Sperm Quality Analyzers. The kit can be used to validate most aspects of Accuracy, Precision, Lower Limit Detection and Reportable Range (Linearity) per CLIA Method Validation Regulations (CLIA Final Rules Manual, 2004, ISBN 1-886958-20-3).
After successfully completing this initial Validation Kit users will have extensive knowledge of the SQA system’s operation, capillary loading technique, reporting, and more. Additional recommendations and protocols for backup method comparison are also included with the kit and all data will be crunched by Medical Electronic Systems for no additional charge.
Designed for Semi-Annual Mini-Validation of SQA Systems including Repeatability (Precision), Lower Limit Detection, Accuracy, and Linearity
A recommended semi-annual validation tool for all SQA-V and SQA-Vision Sperm Quality Analyzers. The Kit can be used to validate Linearity, Precision and Concentration Accuracy per the CLIA Method Validation Regulations (CLIA Final Rules Manual, 2004, ISBN 1-886958-20-3).
After successfully completing this mini-validation, SQA users will have satisfied the semi-annual SQA validation suggestions issued by Medical Electronic Systems for SQA instruments. Additional recommendations and protocols for backup method comparison are also included with the kit and all data will be crunched by Medical Electronic Systems for no additional charge.